Doctor of Law Study Program Universitas Diponegoro held a webinar with the theme “NATIONAL LAW DEVELOPMENT BASED ON SOCIOLEGAL STUDIES: PHILOSOPHICAL, THEORETICAL AND IMPLEMENTATION STUDIES” which was held on August 1, 2022 in a hybrid manner (online + offline). This activity is aimed at:

  1. As a forum to develop science, especially related to the study of legal socio;
  2. As an effort to find an alternative basis in carrying out the development of national laws so as to create a fair law;
  3. As an effort to formulate solutions in solving various problems of national law.

Acting as resource persons in this webinar activity are:

Prof. Dr. Esmi Warassih Pujirahayu, S.H., M.S. (Universitas Diponegoro)
Material: Differences in Socio-Legal Based Studies and Legal Positivism

Prof. Dr. Dra. Sulistyawati Irianto, M.A. (University of Indonesia)
material: Relevance of the Use of Socio-Legal Studies in National Legal Development

Dr. Herlambang P. Wiratraman (Gadjah Mada University)
material: The Relationship between Socio-Legal Studies and the Achievement of Substantive Justice