Law Doctoral Program, Diponegoro University,- Dissertation examination was held on behalf of Delfi Suganda with the title “Reconstruction of the Wali Nanggroe Institutional System as a Nation-Unifying Institution within the Special Autonomy Framework in Aceh”. the exam will be held on Monday, March 27 2023 at 09:00 WIB. The exam is conducted in Hybrid via zoom and live connection

The Dissertation Exam Examination Team a.n Delfi Suganda consists of Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum as Chair of the session and Promoter who was accompanied by Dr. Sukirno, S.H., M.Si as Secretary, Dr. Sulaiman Tripa, S.H., M.H as External Examiner from Syiah Kuala University and an Internal examiner team consisting of Dr. Lita Tyesta A.L.W., S.H., M.Hum, Dr. Fifiana Wisnaeni., S.H., M.Si and Dr. Nabitatus Sa’adah., S.H., M.H. The exam lasts for 3 hours and Promovendus can defend the dissertation manuscript in front of the Examining Team so that it is entitled to get a Doctorate

The Doctor of Law Program wishes you congratulations and good luck